Monday, November 14, 2011


As mentioned HERE, we had the privilege of attending a fundraiser for Lifeline Adoption Agency out of Birmingham. The title/theme of the banquet was ONE......

There are 148 MILLION orphans......

The need is VAST.....

No ONE can do everything, but we can all do ONE thing.....on behalf of the fatherless.....

Payton and I hear this comment from people all the time in regards to our adoption process.....

"That is so sweet/awesome that ya'll are called to do what yall are doing."

As we smile and nod, we respond by explaining that we're not "doing what we're doing" because God has "called" to adopt. We're doing what we're doing because the Lord has graciously revealed to us that as believers and as children of God, we are COMMANDED to; not encouraged, not potentially called, but COMMANDED to......

...take care of the orphans (James 1:27)

...defend the fatherless (Psalms 82:3)

...speak up for those who can not speak for themselves (Proverbs 31:8)

Please know my heart and understand that this is not a post to applaud me or Payton for our personal adoption process. We're not any better, we're not any closer to God, we do not have a more "spiritual" relationship with the Lord, than anyone else! I say that as humbly as I possibly can. Please do not think we're patting ourselves on the back. We are just as messed up, sinful, and do NOT have it all together just like everyone else.

But from the day we got married our prayer has been to see and touch the heart of God and to always desire to do His will.......

And again, its not Heather and Payton's "special" will or our "special" believers, its ALL OF OURS!

David Platt was our guest speaker at the banquet and he could not have said it any better when he said......

"Are we really wanting to be parents, or are we just consumed, interested, and obsessed with reproducing our genetic makeup."

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


  1. Heather- love this post! Your heart is beautiful and I absolutely have loved reading about your family's journey! Rowen is precious!

  2. Great. Great. Great post Heather.
