Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1 of #first13of2013Haiti

“Approximately 80 percent of Haitians live below the poverty line. More than 60 percent of Haiti’s nearly 9 million people live in extreme poverty, unable to access sufficient food to eat.”   -Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Poverty- the state of being inferior or extremely poor

The stat above is very heartbreaking.  And unfortunately, as someone who has spent substantial time in Haiti, it is evidently true.  With that said, on this first day of 2013 and with #first13of2013Haiti under way; I want to take a brief moment to speak to “poverty” in more of a broad sense.  

Within the American culture we tend to view poverty solely as, “the lack of material items or resources.”  Though, indeed this is a form of poverty and is clearly the type of poverty that #first13of2013Haiti is striving to aide in aleviating.  It does not begin and end there.  The reality is, we all possess within us a form of poverty.  

In the book, “When Helping Hurts”(which I highly recommend) it speaks to human beings existing as spiritual, social, psychological, and physical beings.  Because of this we inevitably all possess within us a form of poverty; whether it be spiritual, social, psychological, and/or physical.  As #first13of2013Haiti continues, it is my prayer that we be ever mindful and ever aware of our own individual impoverishment apart from Christ.  That we rebuke any superiority tendency as we recoognize our own inferiority without Christ.  Worshipping Him and giving to this physical need, with THANKSGIVING that "His poverty" has made us rich. 

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” 
2 Corinthians 8:9

Giving options for #first13of2013Haiti: Paypal is located in the top right corner of this blog.  Checks and/or cash can be mailed to P.O. Box 750 Guin, AL 35563 labeled #first13of2013Haiti.  You are also welcome to give money to us directly when/if you see us in person.

Campaign promise for #first13of2013Haiti:  Every penny WILL be spent for the purchase of food for these orphanages and we will be intentional in informing each giver with a detailed update once campaign has been brought to completion.  

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