Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Clinging to His Word

June 27th of 2011, I(Payton) met our son for the first time.  During this same week I underlined two specific passages of scripture in Acts 5 that I felt the Lord spoke to me through.  As we pursue the option of obtaining a Non-Immigrant Visa, I have found myself reading and reminding myself of these passages multiple times throughout each day.

"...We must obey God rather than men!" Acts 5:30

"...For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." 
Acts 5:38-39

Heather and I would be lying to you if we said that we have never questioned God through this process and wondered "what the heck are we doing?", "are you sure God?", "are we crazy?"....

But with that said, His Word stands as the number one reason we are where we are now.  It is His Word that said go. It is His Word that has calmed the doubts.  It is His Word that has dried up the tears.  It is His Word that has brought comfort in our time of need.  It is His Word that has enabled us.  It is His Word that has whispered to us, "I'm here", "I've got you", "I will provide", "Money is not an issue for me", "Your not alone", "Keep pursuing", "I'm proud of you".  It is His Word that has driven us to say, YES!  

January of 2011,  before Heather and I were married, we began praying a simple prayer.  "God, show us your heart.  And, then God, give us the grace to run after your heart with all that we are!"

Well, here we are.  He is able!  Clinging to His Word.  Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!  

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Awesome Word and so encouraging! I'm so blessed to know y'all! Love the fact that you said Yes God! Obedience is the KEY to the Kingdom! Praying for y'all! Love y'all and Praise God for what He is doing through y'all! Glory! :))
