Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Saturday

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Special Delivery

The flourist made a quick stop by work today with these in hand.
Just because.
And Shutterfly made a stop by the house.
We've been working on a book from Shutterfly since April of our first year together. We take more pictures than we'll ever know what to do with, so instead of over spending in making prints and putting them albums that eventually become bulky and awkward; we decided that our approach to capturing events will be through making these neat, sleek, fun, easy books for each season of our lives together.
Very pleased with the outcome. My OCD will function much better seeing these books eventually on a book shelf.
Thankful Beca and Jennie felt sure enough that vibes were in the air, Jennie captured the moment of Payt getting my number on the day we first met........June 20, 2009.And here we are June 20, 2010......thriving and moving forward.....getting ready to embark on new seasons of life.We kinda like him.
Glad hes mine.

Monday, July 26, 2010


One.Two. Three.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Enough Said.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We spent the last week in Kentucky investing our time into a ministry that caters and minsters to the less fortunate by providing services such as these......a thrift store type facility that allows people who cant afford clothing and home goods to come gather what they need for nothing.Some of us sorted and organized items that would come in bulk brought in from eighteen wheelers in hopes to make shopping more enjoyable and easier for those who came through the door.The men did most of the manual labor of digging, building, and working in the dump.Some of the woman served in the kitchen causing none of us to hurt for a meal.While ministering,
and attempting to meet emotional and spiritual needs at the same time.There is something so refreshing about intentionally serving and ministering for a consistent week. As Ive been home, the Lord has been speaking to me so strongly about THAT being my lifestyle.......that same kind of joy and satisfaction that comes from serving on a mission trip comes from serving and putting first the interests of those around us.We rarely experience that kind of freedom and contentment in our everyday life because every other day of the week we're bound to ourselves.So since we've been home, we've been refreshed and reminded of our purpose. AND normality is slowly taking its place.I never thought finishing "Thank You" notes,lunch dates with the girls,Target runs and getting my car washed would so fun and exciting as it has been the past couple of days. Minor, yes, but when you come home to unpack and pack again all Summer; Ive come to appreciate some down and personal time.
As of now, we're trip free until November. Trying to keep it that way!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Got to spend the first night in ten days in my own bed last night! Madness of traveling and being on the go has ceased......getting back to normality.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Fourth

Our 4th was good on so many levels. Hope yours was too.
good laughs.
good sunsets.
good food.good fireworks.
good rides.
good fishin'.
good Americans.
good friends.
and great company!
Hope everyone had a good and safe 4th!
God Bless!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Coming Up For Air

I finally have a time slot of a whole 2 hours to capture the past 2 weeks of our lives.......its been nothing but hustle and bustle with traveling, working, planning birthday parties, family, ministry, and opposing the feeling of stress with the demands of life. Therefore, my promptness of returning phone calls and text messages has struggled greatly as well as my blogging life. That is until my wonderful "teammate"lended his creative hand to help pick up my slack while I was running around Saturday morning preparing for 2 birthday parties and trying to get our life packed in the car so we could head out for the lake for the weekend. With a little bit of guidance, he did the entire post on his own.......not bad for a first timer :).

Two weeks ago, we spent 5 days relaxing at the beach Paytons and his family.......
where he had the priviledge to marry a close childhood friend.
returned home from the beach late Monday night to squeeze in some time with precious Mallie
and these little rascles on Tuesday.
celebrated Livi Love's 1st birthday with the Wilson clan on Wednesday......
zipped over to meet Jana and Jess for lunch at Edgars to celebrated Jess's birthday that she and Livi share
hit the road for Guin to load up the small group girls for our overnigh lake trip
where these chaperone's received less sleep than the high energy youngins
returned back home on Thursday to prepare for birthday parties and time at the lakesqueezed in a date on FridayLivi's birthday party on Saturday.4th of July on Sunday
Kaley's birthday party on Monday.Whew! Catching my breath and trying to keep up! BUT in the midst of the running around, my prayer is to remain thankful for the opportunity to invest into lives of those closest to me.