Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy 6 Months...

... a week late due to #first13of2013Haiti. Why is time flying by so fast :(?? Sorry in advance for the overload!

One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

Happy 6 months to our little guy!! Hes rolling over in both directions, sitting up independently, starting to wave "bye bye", eating great (as you can see :)), still napping and sleeping through night like a champ, and LOVES people and other children. 

I put him in the nursery for the first time last night. Worship let out before we had finished things up with youth. So when I went to pick him up, the nursery worker was walking around bouncing him, because he had been crying. When I asked her if he had been crying long, she said that he sat in her lap the entire time, laughing and squealing while watching the older children play. But as soon as the children left, his lip puckered out and she said he lost it! Needless to say, he LOVES to watch other children and will sit and cackle at the sight of them! We've got a little social bug on our hands :)

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