Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy 5 Months


to our beautiful and silly baby boy.

We're sitting up...with supervision!

He LOVES to be on his feet! I wouldn't be surprised a bit if he walked before he rolled over, sits up, or crawls.

New favorite place to play....during nap time...errrrrr.

His other favorite place to play...

He has become the biggest social bug and loves to be out and about. 

He is full of personality, and is already cracking us up constantly.

And as you can see, eating has been the least of our problems. This child does not and has not missed a meal :)

We are missing big brother every single day and continue to pray for an expedited process.

I'm working on a detailed blog of the process that lies ahead of us, but for now, our specific prayer is that we will exit the first court (IBESR) that our paperworks remains in, as of now. 

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