Friday, March 30, 2012

Still Having Faith

Two weeks from tomorrow we'll be holding our baby boy in our arms forever! No one more staring at his pictures on the computer screen, and for his sake, no more staring at crumbled pictures wondering when Mom and Dad are coming back. I speak this with confidence still trusting that God is making a way.

I read Matthew 17 this morning and Jesus says that with a mustard seed of faith, we can SPEAK to the mountains and they will "move from here to there." Therefore, I continue to speak my faith opposed to "thoughts of faith" in reguards to our precious baby coming home in April.

We received news this week that his Passport will be in the process of completion on Monday. Once his passport is complete, we will be able to schedule our date with the Embassy (the big Kahuna). Please continue to be in prayer specifically for his passport completion and our date with the Embassy. We continue to stand amazed at the love, support, and prayer that we continue to receive. We can't thank you enough!!

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