Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We spent the last week in Kentucky investing our time into a ministry that caters and minsters to the less fortunate by providing services such as these......a thrift store type facility that allows people who cant afford clothing and home goods to come gather what they need for nothing.Some of us sorted and organized items that would come in bulk brought in from eighteen wheelers in hopes to make shopping more enjoyable and easier for those who came through the door.The men did most of the manual labor of digging, building, and working in the dump.Some of the woman served in the kitchen causing none of us to hurt for a meal.While ministering,
and attempting to meet emotional and spiritual needs at the same time.There is something so refreshing about intentionally serving and ministering for a consistent week. As Ive been home, the Lord has been speaking to me so strongly about THAT being my lifestyle.......that same kind of joy and satisfaction that comes from serving on a mission trip comes from serving and putting first the interests of those around us.We rarely experience that kind of freedom and contentment in our everyday life because every other day of the week we're bound to ourselves.So since we've been home, we've been refreshed and reminded of our purpose. AND normality is slowly taking its place.I never thought finishing "Thank You" notes,lunch dates with the girls,Target runs and getting my car washed would so fun and exciting as it has been the past couple of days. Minor, yes, but when you come home to unpack and pack again all Summer; Ive come to appreciate some down and personal time.
As of now, we're trip free until November. Trying to keep it that way!

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